
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Peach-Pit Trip

We hit the road today to get the peach pits for my new kitchen floor. It has been a dream since childhood to have a peach-pit floor one day. That day has come! With the water damage & sagging we had in our kitchen, we had to replace the floor from the crawlspace up. So I get at least a little section of peach pits. Well this is where the search took us. SC is peach country and we thought it would be easy to get pits, but it was easier said than done. We finally got hold of a non-commercial farmer who didn't clean his orchards after every season. It was a Sunday road-trip worth of family time. We drove 60 miles to find the orchard and then had to pick-up pits from under the trees. At first we thought the bigger trees would have more, but working our way back to the car we found the smaller trees had the most & freshest pits. We also found animal traps in the orchard.  We read some scripture, prayed & enjoyed God's creation, picked the last of the season's wild pear/apples (they look like apples & taste like pears) and saw the biggest deer stand ever on the way back home.
This day will be remembered every time we step on our peach-pit floor.
A good day!
Pear-Apples, they were delicious. With the Carolina-Blue Sky as backdrop.

Peach pits found by scratching the leaves open.

Small animal trap.

Biggest deer-stand ever! (I know it is not a stand but I like to tease my sons in law)

The prized peach pits/kernels clean & ready for the kitchen project.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wise Old Tree

And so a new season begins, and the old tree seems to enjoy every moment of it, she heard the girls' secrets when they swing, she sees all the neighbors when they take their dogs for walks, sees the joggers run by, people leaving & coming back. She saw our girls grow up, kissing boyfriends while saying goodbye, heard weddings being planned, saw all the special occasion pictures taken under her.
A lifetime of memories and all the memories still to be made. Glad to have you in our front yard. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Morning message!

This was my morning message for today, inside the egg carton!
Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it.
My prayer is to start each day like this.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Kitchen Hutch Before & After

We are in the process of re-doing our kitchen floor and this old hutch was just too big to move. It has been a source of frustration for us for a long time and the kitchen seemed too small for such a big piece.
Problem solved! We cut the top section off and this will be used in my workroom as a storage space. This also made room for my sunflower painting that has been wilting out of sight. So glad we did this.
Before - Old Hutch reaching for the ceiling
 My Country Sunflowers found a wall in my kitchen.
After - Half the Hutch now server with some needed wall space.

Antique Shopping Sites

After a hectic couple of weeks we went sightshopping this past weekend this is where we ended up in a town called Red Cross NC. I found a treasure or 2 and will post as they become functional. For now feast your eyes on this.
Red Cross NC  Nov 2013

Red Cross NC Nov 2013

Mt Pleasant NC Nov 2013

Waxhaw NC 10 Nov 2013