
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Peach-Pit Trip

We hit the road today to get the peach pits for my new kitchen floor. It has been a dream since childhood to have a peach-pit floor one day. That day has come! With the water damage & sagging we had in our kitchen, we had to replace the floor from the crawlspace up. So I get at least a little section of peach pits. Well this is where the search took us. SC is peach country and we thought it would be easy to get pits, but it was easier said than done. We finally got hold of a non-commercial farmer who didn't clean his orchards after every season. It was a Sunday road-trip worth of family time. We drove 60 miles to find the orchard and then had to pick-up pits from under the trees. At first we thought the bigger trees would have more, but working our way back to the car we found the smaller trees had the most & freshest pits. We also found animal traps in the orchard.  We read some scripture, prayed & enjoyed God's creation, picked the last of the season's wild pear/apples (they look like apples & taste like pears) and saw the biggest deer stand ever on the way back home.
This day will be remembered every time we step on our peach-pit floor.
A good day!
Pear-Apples, they were delicious. With the Carolina-Blue Sky as backdrop.

Peach pits found by scratching the leaves open.

Small animal trap.

Biggest deer-stand ever! (I know it is not a stand but I like to tease my sons in law)

The prized peach pits/kernels clean & ready for the kitchen project.

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