
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mad Hatter Upcycle


This is what became the Mad Hatter costume
Purple jacket $3.49.

Lace & fabric for collar & cuffs, free. (I have lots of scrap fabrics)

The sash/bobbin belt will be made from all the old wooden spools I found on a yardsale a couple of seasons ago. ( I knew it would come in handy someday)
I had to visit Hancock's for the bow & striped pants. Found this on the $ 3.98 pile & only needed  a little. The pants will be pajamas after halloween.

The hat was found on a yard-sale for $2.00. I only needed the hat for the frame or base for my hat.
I used some of the lace for the rim & made a black felt (covered with lace)  top section to go over the frame.
 I attached the top felt section to the hat & added a pink silk band to match the rim. I added kebab sticks with beads, peacock feathers & the "pricetag".

 And the final product, ready for tricks & treats. We had to tweak the make-up & used orange hairspray on her blond hair.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Gerbil Tribute

As we said goodbye to the pet Gerbil my daughter wrote this poem as a tribute to Squiggles, her buddy. She read this at his funeral.

My gerbil

Squiggles oh how I miss you so

How far away will you go

To the heavens up above

Where god waits for you with kindness and love

You did not spend much time on this earth

Nor did your mother when she gave you birth

When your grandpa got you from pet co.

I did not know how far our love would go

When I played with you I felt mounds of joy

And the times I was lonely you were my toy

As I bury you we’ll be farther apart

But you’ll always be special to me and my heart
 By Anne-Mari