
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Upfashioned tablecloth skirt

My Tablecloth Skirt
I found this tablecloth on a yardsale a few weeks ago & could see it as a DIY skirt. The lace & embroidery fabric screamed "skirt"!!
It is easy to up-fashion a round tablecloth as all you need is to cut a hole & add ribbing.
 Ribbing is found at most fabric stores I had this piece left over fro a previous project and it was just long enough to add the desired length to my skirt. The width was also perfect, so I did not have to seam the ribbing. I just folded it over to double for the top half of the skirt

I measured my hips & folded the tablecloth in 4, took the 1/4 measurement of my hips & cut the fabric curved to follow the tape.

I attached the ribbing to the cut edge of the tablecloth & serged the inside edge.

I will be wearing a short petticoat with this skirt.

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