
Sunday, June 30, 2013

What I couldn't get but found -1

YARD SAILING 6/30/2013

Old Ford Passion-Wagon
I asked but he would not let go! All you need is love! I could see my family going down Route 66 in this van, free, happy and loading it chok-full of treasures. That will be a dream I will hang on to. In the mean time I found the complete series of StarWars for my son-in-law to watch while he is at the hospital waiting for my first grandchild.
Star Wars, the series.

7/4/2013 And so the day comes to an end and the gift was appreciated. Happy Birthday Daniel and God Bless America!
Star Wars series wrapped in brown paper with hand-painted flag for a July 4th Birthday

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Applique Onesies (Babygrows)

Applique Onesies (Babygrows)
My first grandchild is due in a month and her 2 aunts and I hosted the baby-shower. I thought it would be a neat idea to have her name on onesies as decoration. She can wear them when she is born too. I will post baby pictures when the time comes.
Selection of cotton fabric, bright and happy designs. I bought a 1/4 yard of each so I could use it for the mosquito net as well. Post to follow

Various onesies gifted to me by a mommy who used them just a couple of times
I cut paper templates and placed them to see that the designs on the onesie were covered, cut the fabric and appliqued the letters on the onesies.

The final product a nice banner with the new baby's name hung under a picture of mommy and daddy. Needless to say they loved it and little Celia will wear them once she is big enough. I will post the pictures of that when the time come.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Bat House

Bat House
During summer time in the Carolina's we are invaded by mosquitos. To cut back on that we decided to make a bat house and put it up near the area where we spend most of our time outdoors.
We read somewhere online that bats eat mosquitos. Something about the blood. I'm not sure.
Anyway, my daughter had a sand box shaped like a boat that was falling apart. We made the bat house out of those materials.
Looks like a mess but we basically cut away all the bad/unnecessary wood.

Made a couple measurements and cuts.

We covered the plywood with mesh so that the bats have something to hold on to.

We figured we'd make a house for a couple hundred bats.

Finished project. Welcome to the Bat Cave.

We have yet to confirm that bats actually live in our "Bat Cave" but we have seen some low fliers.