
Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Bat House

Bat House
During summer time in the Carolina's we are invaded by mosquitos. To cut back on that we decided to make a bat house and put it up near the area where we spend most of our time outdoors.
We read somewhere online that bats eat mosquitos. Something about the blood. I'm not sure.
Anyway, my daughter had a sand box shaped like a boat that was falling apart. We made the bat house out of those materials.
Looks like a mess but we basically cut away all the bad/unnecessary wood.

Made a couple measurements and cuts.

We covered the plywood with mesh so that the bats have something to hold on to.

We figured we'd make a house for a couple hundred bats.

Finished project. Welcome to the Bat Cave.

We have yet to confirm that bats actually live in our "Bat Cave" but we have seen some low fliers. 

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