
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

My Africa Christmas Tree

My Africa stick Christmas tree

I have a painting over my fireplace and with the heat coming up the wall did not want to expose it to too much heat. Needless to say, there it was a WIDE OPEN SPACE.
In previous years I had a wreath or up but felt nostalgic and had this yearning for "home" so I decided to bring a bit of my roots home for Christmas and do something a little different.

I saw something similar online and loved the idea so I added my little Africa spin to it. With the help of my husband we searched for sticks and after a fruitless search of way too dry sticks he decided to cut some fresh branches. This made him feel more comfortable as the wood was wet and less prone to catch fire. Not that I was concerned, the fire is not even close to the mantel.

I had some ornaments and also clay letters my sister made that I used to decorate the tree. I made the burlap and feather stockings a few years ago and thought it would add to my theme. the star was just a few sticks I attached first with a glue gun and then secures them with wire. All the sticks were attached to each other using wire.

I glued the letters to rustic looking burlap ribbon.
They are in Afrikaans and spell LIEFDE - LOVE, HOOP - HOPE, GELOOF- FAITH, VREDE-PEACE
Some of the ornaments are made from wire and beads that are sold on some of the street corners for tourists.
I added a Jacaranda pod. This is from one of the most beautiful flowering trees in South-Africa, but nit indigenous to SA. The have light purple flowers that bloom in October, the beginning of spring and the streets are lined with them where I grew up. It brings back beautiful memories.

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