
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Weather worm for the door-draft - Recycled jeans!

With the beginning of winter we have a few drafty doors. I decided to make use of he old worn-out jeans I saved for projects and make a weather worm to stop the drafts.

I used the pant legs. I needed at least 40 inches and luckily I am tall so they made it to 42 inches.


Because of the shape of the pants I was not able to cut them into perfect rectangles as I needed most of the length.

I separated the legs and cut the backside loose from the rest. I removed the belt loops and opened the bottom seams and them I cut the legs into as straight of a rectangle as possible.

I sewed the jeans into a tube (right sides together ), turned them inside out and then sewed another line about 1 inch from the seam for the rice. I sewed the one side closes and started to full th little tube with rice using a funnel.

I was a little difficult to get the rice all the way down, there may an easier way but I will have to explore ways to find out. For now, this works. After the rice tube was filled, I stuffed the body with scrap fabrics and old re-cycled cut-up t-shirts that has seen better days. ( I believe in no wastage )

The rice weighs it down to keep the worm right there in front of the door were he is supposed to be. After stuffing the worm, I sewed the top end closed to keep the stuffing and rice in.
Good use of old jeans to keep the draft out and the warm air inside.

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