
Sunday, March 23, 2014

American Girl Clothes - Leotard/Bathing suit

   American Girl Clothes - Leotrard/Bathing suit

I found spandex at Hancock's for $1.75 a yard and used some of it for my daughter's talent show as a headband & yoga-pant waist. The rest just waited to be put to good use.
She had friend over and they begged me to make them some clothes for their 8" dolls, they saw the fabric and decided on bathing suits. I had left-over black lycra and made little cover skirts to match, then felt inspired and used an old t-shirt to make 2 more skirts. Now that I've made this, the tutorial will follow.

This is another t-shirt that will become a doll skirt like the leopard-print one.

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