
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Baby Quilt Ball

Baby Quilt Ball

My, now 9 year-old received one of these when she was a baby and now that I have a grandbaby, I wanted to make one for her. She loved to play with it and it is easy to grip and hold onto. This is one of the 2 patterns or designs I tried I will post the next one when it is finished for comparison.
I used 4 different design fabrics, it would have been easier to use just 2 but I love colour.
 You will need 12 half circles (4" diameter) & 12 ovals that is cut to the same curve as the half circle.
 Cut a 1/4" slit in the middle of the half circle for where your oval point will turn.
Sew one side of oval to circle edge, lift needle & sew the other side of the oval to the other half using 1/4" seam.
 Turn them inside-out and fold the edge over. I bought a $2.99 pillow to use the stuffing. Stuff them as full as you can and pin the edges together 1/2" from the edge. This will make it easy to sew if the stuffing is not in the way.
 Sew your open edge closed as close to the edge as possible, double stitching at the ends.
 Gather all the points together by using a needle & thread. Pull them all close so you can group them in 4 petal flowers. Sew the points tightly together as shown on 4 sides of the ball. You can use embroidery thread to finish it nicely or leave it plain with your stitches hidden.

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